Master of the Photocopiers!

I just spent the second afternoon helping with 2nd round student enrolments. As one of the newbies here at LTU, it seemed only fair that I should be one of the people to volunteer my time to help the Faculty cope with aspects of their busiest time of the year. I also figured I would gain a bit more of an insight into the hows and whys of the workings of the Faculty … What I learned also is who to approach when I have a question or problem; who the nice people are and who the not-so-nice people are. Today, I witnessed the Miss Abrasive: she rarely made eye-contact with students, made assumptions about the knowledge of the layout of the campus (so they had to ask me or another person on their way out of the room), and at the end of the day she asked me, “Where are the originals? Where are the yellow forms?”, when what she should have done was check what she was holding in her hands before treating me like a nuff-nuff who had no idea what she should have been doing. In all seriousness, I was being wasted on a photocopier for the afternoon! Although, one of the casual workers complimented me by saying that I was more authoritative and competent and in control of the photocopier than anyone else who had helped out with any of the days of enrolment. I made it double-side things, and that impressed her immensely … I make it my environmental duty to always know how to double-side things on copiers! That reminds me … I must go clear a paper-jam in one of the machines here (the academic who told me about it just avoided the situation).

~ by pincushiondiary on February 10, 2005.

One Response to “Master of the Photocopiers!”

  1. Presumably, Ms. Abrasive was treating everyone with the same gritty attitude.
    Pretend that the “more authoritative and competent and in control” wasn’t just in reference to the Photocopier, but also to the whole enrolment process. It sounds like Ms Abrasive isn’t a good manager, and The Casual was probably referring to you being a better Manager than Ms. Abrasive, even though you aren’t experienced with the Process.

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