The heat, Xavier, portrait and blisters

Have returned to the office this morning after a night where, despite the heat, I slept very well. Have got the ceiling fan going already today though, in an effort to make my office a little less stuffy.
Observation on the fan: it has a knob marked Off, 1, 2 and 3. One would think that this is the order of progression, but 3 is the slowest speed not the fastest. I found that out the obvious way yesterday …

Well, to recap on the weekend, even though it is now Wednesday (was getting fed-up with housemate’s laptop last night, so didn’t bother trying to blog then) …

Had a lovely, LOVELY, few days with B, J and Xavier. I love my Godson to bits! Which is a good thing, because I do believe that as his Godmother it is my main role to love him and spoil him to bits. He has grown up so much in the few months since I had last seen him, and I’m sure the next time I see him I will be surprised once again by how much he has grown, matured and learned. He has a stubborn streak at times, and this was shown mostly when he would decide that he wanted to have a go at feeding himself mashed vegies. I’m sure the next time I see him, in January, he will be better at getting the spoon in his mouth with the food still on it. He also learned very quickly that Aunty Trish will give him a bit of her breakfast/lunch/dinner/snack if he stands with his hand out and says “ahh ooo” (thank you) … over and over and over! But, like I said, it is my job as his Godmother to spoil him! It probably then should be my job to clean the chocolate off him too. I have mellowed though … I was once very fussy about the cleanliness of my couch, now I just wipe off the sticky hand prints and turn the cushions over. Took old fashioned photos, so have no digital pics to post from this visit … Can’t wait until the whole family become Victorian residents in January!

I came back into the office yesterday after taking the day off on Monday using flexi-time (I luurve flexi-time!) to find my staff portrait in my pigeon hole. Ahhh, the jumper-on-backwards-for-the-life-of-my-employment-here shot! [Refer to September 23rd entry for more information] Not too bad, if I do say so myself! Others have also commented on it being a very nice photo of me, which is nice and reassuring and ego-boosting. Now comes the task of shuffling everyone else’s photos along, because they are on the board in alphabetical order, and I’m the only ‘A’. Everyone gets nudged along because I work here now! Will try to get the digital version and post it soon (can’t be bothered scanning the print).

Am nursing blisters that are evidence of summer shoes being brought out of the bottom of the wardrobe and put into rotation once more. Am not complaining about the onset of summer weather, but am mostly making mental note to put bandaids on the shopping list. Got in the pool as far as mid-thigh yesterday after work, mostly because the pool is in the shade at that time of day and the wind had picked up a bit. Can’t wait to actually get my bathers wet!

FYI, whosoever comments first on this post will be the 150th comment!

~ by pincushiondiary on October 13, 2004.

5 Responses to “The heat, Xavier, portrait and blisters”

  1. Congratulations miss cutter, you are our 150th comment!!! WAAAHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i always knew I was bound for greatness!!!!!!

  2. And the award goes to …

    Your prize, littlelizzycutter, is … ??

    Ummm … a big batch of truffles!?

  3. Hi, I haven’t commented here before. Toby assures me we probably met a long time ago, but to be honest I can’t remember.

    Anyway, in relation to the fan, I know there’s a good reason for it. It just escapes me now, that’s all. 😉 It’s got something to do with electrical circuitry. Perhaps the lower speeds use the same amount of power but with a bigger resister – like a dimmer knob on a light globe. I suck at electricity. Anyway, it’s something like that. I know going from off to 1 is worse for the fan than going from off to 3. Someone clever will know… Or Google.

  4. I’m not really too fussed about why the fan is the way it is, I just found it odd and must remember not to turn it to 1 when I first turn it on … We did meet a long time ago, but I’ve never been the kind of person people remember clearly after one brief interaction.

  5. I’ve just realised that if I really wanted to know why the fan is the way it is, a good friend of mine is an electrician …

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